multimedia madwoman

dylan ☂ ever

Hey! I'm Dylan. I love stories, I love worlds, and I love using my skills to serve the special tales you create. This means I spend a lot of time learning every tricky witchcrafty tool to make the best music for your story possible, whether that be the orchestra, the modular synth, or me banging some pots and pans - but masterfully. When I'm not doing schoolwork, I'm fiddling with some original music on my guitar, writing poetry, doodling on my iPad, or playing lots of Dungeons & Dragons. I don't just make music - I make stories that occupy every sense. Let me show you how!

music for picture

instrumental concept work

acoustic folk + lyric work

multimedia projects


This is ibi! A visual novel I wrote, programmed (in RenPy), drew & composed for! Help a lost flame child navigate the now extinguished forest he used to call home!click the image to play!(if you're downloading on Mac, don't forget to enter your Security & Preferences when opening the game and allow ibi to be opened!)click here to watch a playthrough video of one ending!


frobo is a musical robot whos body, aaccessories and environment are all controls for various midi instruments and audio samples! He is made and performed entirely in Max MSP. He dances to the beat!click here to hear a clip!

more stuff i like to do


I love poetry, fiction, and the written word. As president of my school's poetry club, we've done some pretty cool things, including an initiative we started called Poetry on the Spot, where we took our club typewriter around town and wrote free, custom-made poetry. We gave out over 150 poems this semester alone! Check it out.

I also love to write! Check out my latest short story: Bee